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Posting Rules For Bug/Reporting Forum

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:21 pm
by Infennetii
Stick to the rules, you'll have no problems. All rule-breakers in exception, are prone to get banned and have posts removed.

Important Note: If you must report for anything, but do not feel comfortable leaving it here, you can PM myself, or send an email with the relevant information to:

The Rules:

• Please use the search functionality of the forums to see if anyone else has posted your idea already, or something similar to avoid breaking the next rule.
• Please do not post duplicate ideas, or spam your idea.
• Treat others the way you want to be treated. (the golden rule)

Posting Format(Bugs/Glitches):
Your "Subject Line" should include the name of your bug/incident, and creation date.
The body of your report should include how & when it occurred, and how it may be re-created in-game. This information is important to include, so that it can be fixed as soon as possible.

Posting Format(Players/Cheaters/Hackers):
Your "Subject Line" should include the name of the person in question and creation date. You must provide an accurate description of your suspicion in this player, and the event leading up to the incident in question. Providing screenshots/video will help in the following investigation.